Qualities of a Sending Church:

  • It teaches the responsibility of each believer to hear and obey God's will for his or her life.

  • It maintains a life of community, sanctification and filled with the Holy Spirit.

  • It teaches its members a personal vision, within God's vision: "To all nations."

  • It defines the "framework of action" to implement and develop the vision.

  • It recognizes that there will be trials that must be overcome (2 Corinthians 8:1-7).

  • It has a generous membership (2 Corinthians 9:6-15).

  • It has a membership with an attitude of service (Philippians 2: 22-30).

A Sending Church should not be:

  • An emotionalist church where interest rises or falls depending on the time of year.

  • A church that only offers money. Missions is more than just money.

  • A church with an exclusively local vision. We must have the expectation of extending ourselves to the ends of the earth.

Recognizing ourselves as a sent church, we must provide cross-cultural missionaries with moral, logistical, financial, prayer and communication support. Therefore, a sent church:

  • Is one that has balance in each area of ​​action (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth).

  • Gives dignity to each area of ​​work and none remains as “Cinderella”.

  • Has “servant pastors” who set the course in the commitment to “all nations”.

  • Has its congregation offering time, effort and money so that the Gospel is available to “all”.

  • Equips its congregation and candidates. Helps in their training so that they reach the goal.

Is willing to stay in God's vision (being a blessing to all nations), is faithful, pays the cost and continues its work motivated by love until the Lord returns.

By Roberto Pérez, pastor in Chile